Friday, July 26, 2019

Issues in sports 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Issues in sports 1 - Essay Example The women players or athletics are under many constraints related to economical, financial, social and political issues. Most of the conservative countries are not permitting women to participate in any sports event. The social and political rules and regulations are against the women. Some countries are not providing enough financial assistance to the women team or women athletics but they are very much interested in putting more money for the men’s team or athletics. According to Kirsch, â€Å"In todays world female athletes are learning the hard way that even if they train harder than their male counterparts and out-perform them they will still not receive the same recognition or money that the guys make†. (Kirsch) Recently, some countries are giving importance to their women players and athletics. United Nations, China and some other developed and developing countries are trying to remove this discrimination through proper implementation of new policies, which help women players to come out from those constraints. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) introduced innovative ideas to solve this discrimination problem. This was a great achievement for women athletics and players. It was implemented to create gender equality in sports. In 2002, the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Sport for Development took initiatives to give more importance on this discrimination issue in sports. They suggested some steps by which they can create gender equality. The steps are as followed, Drug abuse by athletes and sports persons is an international issue in sports. For instance East German succeeded in sports during the 1970s and 80s fighting back the United States and even Soviet Union with the help of intake of several performance enhancing medicines. This was meant to prove their power in sports against the west. Swimmers like Kornelia Ender, Barbara Krause and Carol Mitschke were the victims of the doping schemes. During 1989

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